Friday, February 24, 2012

Currently, the most accurate method of diagnosis ...

Osteoporosis is often called the quiet thief, because there are no symptoms. Fractures resulting from osteoporosis are often painful and can lead to serious complications, especially in elderly people. You may not know that your bones become weaker as you what are the side effects of lasix feel:

destruction, usually the wrist, hip or spine;

loss of height. How osteoporosis is diagnosed? Currently, the most accurate way to diagnose osteoporosis is the DEXA scan.

strengthening your immune system
This low radiation scan measures bone mineral density and fracture risk index provides. If you have a problem because you meet some of the risk factors or about menopause, discuss with your doctor. Reproduced courtesy of Osteoporosis Australia. Copyright: myDr, UBM Medica Australia, 2000-2012. All rights reserved. .

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